I am highly motivated and specialize in assisting homeowners with improving and maintaining their homes. I also provide them with solutions and recommendations relating to the same.
I want to give homeowners a personable and reliable resource to get jobs done right and focus on leaving no dust behind.
The company provides options that enable us to work alongside our customers by supporting them side-by-side with their projects, or simply completing projects for them in its entirety. Either way, let's get it done!
With you in mind, that is why I created the company.
I take great pride in ensuring complete customer satisfaction and maintaining professional status.
My commitment to you is providing the highest quality of workmanship while keeping your home clean.
With my knowledge and experience, I know what it takes to get numerous jobs done properly. When working in your home, I emphasize quality by paying attention to the finest of details.
Helping homeowners with their projects is not just a job for me, it’s what I enjoy doing every day. I am looking forward to getting to know you!
Best Regards,
Fix Paint Etc
47 Bow Bog Rd
Bow, NH 03304
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DIY SUPPORT SERVICES LLC is registered in NH as doing business under the Trade Name FIX PAINT ETC